The Perfect Fall Bonfire

by Grace Schulte

Fall is my favorite season to enjoy a relaxing bonfire with friends and family. If you’ve never hosted a bonfire before, here are some tips to get you started!
The Fire
If you’ve never started one before, no worries! To start a fire,you’ll need these four things:
• Tinder
• Kindling
• Firewood
• Flame source
Tinder kick starts a fire. Anything that is easily lit on fire, such as wadded up newspaper, will make for good tinder. Kindling is what keeps the initial flame from the tinder going so it has time to catch onto the main firewood. Small twigs and branches make great kindling. As for firewood, it doesn’t matter what kind it is. The most important element is dryness. If any of your wood is wet, it will be harder to maintain a good flame.

There are many different ways to build a fire, but one of the most common is the tipi or cone shape. This kind of fire has a circular base that allows plenty of oxygen to pass through and feed the fire. Start by laying your tinder on the ground in the center of where you want your fire to be. Then take your kindling and arrange it around the tinder in a tipi shape. From there you can start arranging your firewood in the same tipi shape around the tinder and kindling. Now, you can take your flame source and use it to light your tinder. Gently blow air onto the tinder to stoke the flame until the kindling catches. If necessary, you can stick more kindling between the cracks of firewood until the firewood itself catches. Once the main firewood has caught fire, maintenance of a tipi fire is easy. When the fire needs more wood, simply lean another piece against the frame.

Additional Ideas

Make sure you have enough seating for your bonfire. Have some blankets handy, and consider having bug spray available. Bring a cooler outside so you don’t have to run in and out of the house for refreshments. Plan to have some bonfire snacks as well, and don’t forget the s’mores! If you’d like, you can also arrange to have an outdoor speaker to play music in the background. At the end of the night, remember to drown the bonfire completely.
Even when there are no flames,
a fire can still restart with just
a breeze and some residual
Even if you’ve never
started a fire, hopefully
this inspired you to give
it a shot. This fall is a
perfect time to try it
out! Remember to have
fun and be fire safe!