Snow Games
by Chelsea Scott
If you live in an area that consistently receives snow in the winter months, and find yourself with a case of
cabin fever, don’t fear. Embrace the falling snow by venturing outside to try these snow games!
Snow tag
This one is selfexplanatory.
favorite yard
game, but in
the snow.

Or should we say tic-tac-snow? Instead of
paper, use a long stick to play this game in
freshly fallen snow.
Sled race

Divide into teams and see who can make it down the hill the fastest!
In teams, chuck snowballs at each other (be courteous and avoid the head/face). If you’re hit, you’re hit, you’re out! The last person standing wins
Build a
snowman (or
woman). Use a
scarf to blindfold
the player as
they try to add
the carrot “nose!”
Whoever gets
closest to the
middle of the face wins.

Snow angel contest
See who can make the most snow angels
within an agreed upon timeframe.
Treasure hunt
Bring several small toys outside that won’t
get damaged if they get wet. Designate a
field of play and hide the items from your
opponent in the snow. The other player
will do the same. Whoever finds more of
the opposing team’s toys is the winner.
Snow sculpting
Unleash your inner artist to create
snow creatures. In this game of artistic
expression, everyone’s a winner!
Snow fortress
Using sandcastle molds, build snow
fortresses. Stand back and admire your
handiwork and then see how many you
can knock down with snowballs!