A letter to our Readers
January 2024
Lucian Acuff responds to the occasional question about his community
involvement with a simple answer: “What wouldn’t you do to help kids?”
It’s not just business as usual here at Chantilly Living. We would like to thank
the community for all the continued support! The lifeblood and lifeline of our
publication are the local businesses and organizations willing to sponsor and
support our efforts to highlight our neighbors and all the great things happening
in Chantilly. We could not do this important work without you!

Kevin Erekaifé, Publisher
Known as the “BoxTop$ King,” he has proven himself a tireless champion for
children and community service in Chantilly. As a matter of fact, for Lucian and
Sara Acuff, it’s all about helping the kids and the community!
They embody a beautiful spirit of volunteerism and care for the community.
The smiling BoxTop$ King, with the support of his wife, sets an example for
all with his tireless dedication to Chantilly’s children. Through creativity and
collaboration, this generous leader taps into the power of small things to make
a big difference. Indeed, all should hail the BoxTop$ King for his fine efforts in
the community! Enjoy this beautiful story!
Kevin Erekaifé, Publisher